Which Buildings Do We Burn Down?
The first task of a revolutionary is figuring out which buildings to burn down. In that same sense, the first task of an entrepreneurial firm is to figure out what of the existing order to keep, and...
View ArticleFinding More Great “Criminals”
As Balzac once said, “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” In the past few weeks, we have been treated to scandalous-if-true stories about the founding of Facebook and Twitter. Allegedly,...
View ArticleIntentionality
It never ceases to amaze me how frequently startups manage to beat large companies. I was in a big bank the other day, and couldn’t help but be impressed by the resources they had at their command....
View ArticleSalesmanship of Fools
I was talking to a fellow VC the other day, who I know but not well, and he was clearly searching for something to compliment me on, and what he come up with was “hey, I really appreciate how you’re...
View ArticleTrends in payments innovation.
Yeah, I’ve done it … this blog basically consists of a slideshow. Obviously we know what comes next: Listicle 24 signs that you may be a Fintech nerd Click bait The founder of twitter started a...
View ArticleSubmerging Payments, Part II
Not much more than 100 years ago, the ice industry was a major component of the US industrial economy, contributing $660MM (in today’s dollars) to the GDP and employing 90,000 people, more than the...
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